N Yoga

Discover yoga in a contemporary and inclusive space.
Awareness of body and mind.


Welcome to N Yoga!

We create a place where you feel at home, find peace for development and expansion, regardless of background, religion and tradition.

Niki Schönström

Certified Moksha hatha yoga, deep stretch and yin yoga instructor.

”To me, yoga is about simplicity. Yoga is a way to find balance and harmony for both the inside and outside.”

Teaching and guiding people in yoga is a great privilege and a great deal of trust. Through presence and heart, with voice and hands, I try to get those who practice yoga to create space, mobility and strength both physically and mentally.


2 days ago

N Yoga
Our popular Gong Bath sessions are back! Welcome to a meditation during rest to the sound of the Gong, sounding bowls, chimos and other instruments.Dates:1 September, 20 October & 24 NovemberTime: 19.00-20.00Investment: 300 kr/sessionBook: www.nyoga.se or nyoga.zoezi.se/kurs/2Instructor: Edita from Harmoni Oasen, Lund.Gong Bad is a very old form of sound therapy and has its origins in Asia where it has been practiced for thousands of years. A gong bath, or gong sound meditation, is a sound massage for both body and soul.The vibrations of the gong wash over you and your energy system at the cellular level while the brain waves adjust to the soothing sound. Like slipping away on a journey inside you.During the event you will be bathed in sound waves. You will simply lie or sit comfortably on a mat, wrap yourself in a blanket, close your eyes and relax while you listen. You don’t have to do anything - just lie down passively without any expectations and your body will catch all the vibrations from these instruments.Nowadays, sound therapy is widely used all over the world for its proven calming ability. Gong sounds can be used to balance the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. It has a calming effect on the nervous and immune systems, the heart and the autonomic and endocrine systems. Warm welcome!About EditaEdita loves to inspire and help other people to create better health and well-being and to make small steps in health-promoting changes. Edita also has a great interest in healthy diet and lifestyle. Natural medicine was a big part of Edita’s whole life thanks to her grandmother and mother who shared their knowledge and taught Edita a lot about the healing power of nature at an early age.She has a deep interest in natural methods. Promoting health and harmony in life led to Edita training as a certified Reflexologist, Acupressor, Reiki and Accessbars healing methods, Yoga teacher.#gongbath #vibration #energy #comeasyouare #savasana #yogicsleep #yoga #yogalund @nyogastudio Harmoni Oasen ... See MoreSee Less
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3 days ago

N Yoga
OPEN HOUSEWith a fantastic mix of yoga classes!🧘🧘‍♂️This Sunday 18 August, 10-17, is your opportunity to try our classes, meet our awesome teachers and to have fun.Welcome in regular students and newbies! 😍All classes are for free!Bring your friends! Bring your colleagues! Bring your family!Enjoy some healthy snacks and refreshments.10 % discount on the 3-month card.15 % discount for students and unemployed.View the schedule and sign up online:www.nyoga.se or nyoga.zoezi.se/.Please, cancel your spot if you can´t make it, so others that are on the waiting list can practice. Thank You!Welcome to our room for peace and balance!// Niki, Maria & SheenaN Yoga, Raffinadgatan 2, Lundinfo@nyoga.se#yoga #yogalund #yogastudio #yogacommunity #yogapractice #comeandtry #fika @nyogastudio @yogini_ia @sheenaflow @climb.yoga.run.repeat @bethanyyoga ... See MoreSee Less
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3 days ago

N Yoga
Breath & Release & RegulateA warm welcome to this workshop where we deep dive into our fascia with Yinyoga/ Self Fascia release and different breathing techniques. During this workshop, we will learn about fascia and it’s function, and the importance of the breath and self-regulation of the nervous system. Fascia is a network of connective tissue that connects all the muscles, bones, blood vessels, nerves and organs, so it creates a strong interwoven network in the body. Myo Fascial Release techniques are an excellent complement to yin yoga.During exhalation, the diaphragm relaxes and the air is blown out again. Tension is released and the fascia massaged and relaxed. Through various breathing techniques, we will learn to create presence within ourselves, calm our nervous system and release the fascia that is around the breathing system such as diaphragm, lungs and thoracic part of the body. The workshop is combined with various positions from Yin yoga, Myofascial release with tennis balls, Mindfulness techniques and breathing exercises to release tension and restore the nervous system on a deeper level.Place, Date and Time: N Yoga, Raffinadgatan 2, LundSaturday, 19th October, 13.00-15.30Investment: 590 krRegistration: nyoga.zoezi.se/kurs/2 or www.nyoga.se/eventsAbout Barbara Lörincz: Barbara Lörincz specialises in Yin Yoga with focus on the deep tissue in the body, which is called fascia.Barbara runs Yoga Yinasa and she is an authorised yoga teacher with the International Yoga Alliance, holding an E-RYT 500 certificate. In addition to her Yin Yoga training/education, she also has the fundamental training in classical yoga and meditation and bodywork specialised in fascia.#yoga #yogalund #yin #myofasciarelease #breath @nyogastudio @yoga_yinasa ... See MoreSee Less
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3 days ago

N Yoga
GRUNDKURS I GUA SHA FACIAL EGENVÅRDVälkomna till en härlig workshop bara för dig! Datum: 12 Oktober, 13-17Plats: N Yoga, Raffinadgatan 2, LundEarly bird pris innan 31 Augusti därefter full pris. Gua sha är både en avslappnande och hudföryngrande massage med sitt ursprung från TCM (traditionell kinesisk medicin). Med denna teknik kan vi minska svullnader, puffighet och ansiktets muskler får sig ett lyft. Kollagen- och elastinproduktionen ökar och huden blir fastare och får mer lyster. I denna kursen får du lära dig hur du ger dig själv en riktigt skön och upplyftande Gua Sha massage i ansiktet som både stöttar lymfsystemet (kroppen reningsverk), minska fina linjer, grå hud och svullnader i ansiktet.I den här kursen kommer du att lära dig:• HISTORIEN KRING GUA SHA• VIKTIGA GRUNDLÄGGANDE PRINCIPER FÖR GUA SHA FACIAL• GUA SHA VERKTYG, STENAR, OLJOR & RENGÖRING• LIVSSTIL FÖR EN GOD HUDHÄLSA • FÖRDELARNA MED GUA SHA FACIAL• STEG FÖR STEG HUR DU GÖR EN VÄLGÖRANDE GUA SHA FACIAL PÅ SIG SJÄLV• I kursen ingår en hjärtformad Gua Sha i Rosenkvartssten till ett värde att 300 kr. Det kommer också finnas oljor och hydrolat på plats.• En kollagenboostande fika (utan socker, gluten eller mejerier) och Te.• Instruktionsvideo• Skriftlig information och manual (svenska och engelska)Early bird pris innan 31 Augusti därefter full pris. Begränsande antal platser så vänta inte med att boka dig! Mer info och registrering om eventet hittar du på hemsidan www.nyoga.se eller nyoga.zoezi.se/kurs/2Om Marta: Marta är utbildad massör och har diplom från Portugal i Gua sha facelift och är även yogalärare.Marta brinner för att hjälpa dig att bli ditt vackraste jag inifrån och ut. Genom sina holistiska ansiktsbehandlingar hjälper hon dig att balansera din hud, lymfsystemet, musklerna i ansiktet och ditt sinne, så att din hud kan återfå sin naturliga balans och lyster.Varmt Välkomna!#yoga #yogalund #guasha #egenvård #välbefinnande #tahandomdigsjälv @nyogastudio @marta_lucia_dellanna @lillastudionmalmo ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

N Yoga
OPEN HOUSEWith a fantastic mix of yoga classes!🧘🧘‍♂️This Sunday 18 August, 10-17, is your opportunity to try our classes, meet our awesome teachers and to have fun.Welcome in regular students and newbies! 😍All classes are for free!Bring your friends! Bring your colleagues! Bring your family!Enjoy some healthy snacks and refreshments.10 % discount on the 3-month card.15 % discount for students and unemployed.View the schedule and sign up online:www.nyoga.se or nyoga.zoezi.se/.Please, cancel your spot if you can´t make it, so others that are on the waiting list can practice. Thank You!Welcome to our room for peace and balance!// Niki, Maria & SheenaN Yoga, Raffinadgatan 2, Lundinfo@nyoga.se#yoga #yogalund #yogastudio #yogateacher #yogacommunity #openhouse #yogapractice #comeasyouare #bringfriends #fika N Yoga Yogini-ia Bethany Yoga Sanna Sender ... See MoreSee Less
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Our Classes/WS/Courses

If you are new, Welcome! If you’ve been to the studio or another one across the country, even warmer welcome.

65 MIN / 90 MIN

A challenging, healthy all-level yoga sequence.

65 MIN

Encompasses both an active (yang) portion and a passive (yin) portion.

Deep Stretch/Yin-yoga
75 MIN

Long, deep holds to relax and restore joints and muscles.

Vinyasa flow
65 MIN

Move, breath and sweat to the rythm of your body.

Vinyasa core
65 MIN

A dynamic class that is a great complement to all other yoga classes and is suitable for everyone.

Slow flow
65 MIN

A delicate and steady class, requiring students to find a slow, meditative movement. 

Inside flow
65 MIN

You gently move from one posture to another carried by the music, bringing you into a trance-like. 

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