
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at


Join Us

If you are curious about our yoga and want to tap into our world. We open the studio twice a year- Open House– for everybody who wants to try yoga, visit the studio or just hang out with our diverse community.

For you who want to learn more about our studio and the yoga we practice and are waiting for the right moment to try, we invite you to a free yoga class from time to time. 


Below you can see our different cards and prices. New prices since 1 feb 2025


Drop-in – Valid 1 week from the sales date.300;-

Clip Cards

10 classes – Valid 3 months2,250;-

Monthly Card

1 month                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1,600;-

6 months6,700;-

12 months10,400;-

Autopay monthly

Autpay No Limit. Commitment 12 months, then untied per month. Cancellation time 2 months895;-

Autpay Limit 5. Commitment 12 months, then untied per month. Cancellation time 2 months695;-


Private class – 1 hour1,500;-

Customized private classes available.

Contact me to discuss how to tailor a yoga practice to your needs. Bring your questions, and be ready to move.

Courses, WS & Events

We offer different workshops, courses and events throughout the year. You can find the upcoming schedule on the frontpage or app Zoezi,


See Schedule for upcoming workshops and events.


All cards: valid from the sales date.

Rates include VAT. All prices are subject to change without notice.

Student / unemployed  discount 15%. These cards can only be purchased at the studio. Please present valid documents.

All cards are personal and can not be transferred.